We made it...

 ....but not without it's complications!  On my way in to Karen's to meet the Limo - I see the Limo driving out....what are they leaving without me?  Nope...he got half way down the driveway and figured he had to be in the wrong place and turned around.  I turned him around again and we were ready to go!

First stop - EWR - and security seems like a breeze.  But, it turns out that if you are going to Israel, there is even more security...in fact the gate is completely walled off and you and your bags have to be checked for powder and metals!  You can't even go to the bathroom without your passport!  Seemed like people were getting restless and maybe even a bit crabby by boarding time at 10:30.

After boarding, the flight attendents let us know that they are short-staffed - so they apologized in advance- for not providing the their normal stellar service.  THEN, they announce that our departure has been delayed because they can't get the video system to work.  Two hours of rebooting or waiting for a guy to come and reboot the system and we are ready to go...oh wait, now we are having trouble getting door 4 closed right, gotta get a guy for that.  Yikes, starting to worry about the systems on this aircraft. And if you thought this crowd was crabby at 10, you should see them at 1:30.  One poor baby cried for 3 straight hours, the guy to my right was almost into fisticuffs with the old guy sitting next to him over the arm rest.  

Left at 1:30 am.  Arrived in Tel Aviv seven long hours later.  After all of the security measures in EWR and on the plane due to Israeli Regulations, it seems that the Passport check on this end is a little loosey goosey!  Got throught there - disappointed because automation has replaced the passport stamping procedures!  We love those stamps!  Got to Exit 23 on Floor 2 to meet our transport - and apparently it is not there...after a bit of wrangling - not easy on 2 hours sleep, someone from some company came and got us to the Grand Beach Hotel 1/2 hour before the buffet closed.  Met up with Janet and hit the buffet...it is already dark here and 9pm feels like 9 pm...not like the actual 2 pm that it is in Jersey time...so good night folks, tomorrow is another day.


  1. Now you are there and your first day sounded just beautiful with the beach 10 mile walk and understanding exactly where the Church truly began with the roots in Peter, being able to now only perform the signs and "miracle" healings, but knowing that he had truly been with The Master on his journey to the cross and to eternity in glory. How precious the moments are for you, Karen and Linda - so grateful you are capturing it in you "in the moment journaling" - Matthew in The Chosen!!!!


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