On our way to Jordan

The bus picked this up this morning at our hotel. Not quite as fancy as the bus we had before and our luggage seems to have expanded a little bit. We began our drive to Jordan.  Our drive was through a very desert-y, verh hilly area.  Dotted with sheep and goats.  Really wanted to capture the shepherds and their sheep - often wonder how people from a different culture feel about tourists taking pictures of them...on shepherd let me know by giving me a hand signal common to all cultures.  Don't blame him - he is not an antiquity.  

We stopped at the Israeli border with a lot of other busses and cars, prepared with our entrance stamps and passports...they did not need them.  Then a few feet down the road we stopped at the Jordanian border and got out of the bus and entered a terminal - put our passports in a machine that spit out a slip of paper, and waited on the other side of the terminal for our next bus (this one has one seat on one side and two on the other).  No internet, but does have charging ports for phones. (Essential for travelers!).  Drove across a bridge and we finally crossed the border into Jordan- there was an Israeli flag and lookout post on the Israeli side of the border and lookouts and bunkers dotting the landscape on the Jordanian side.  The two countries are at peace and are working to gether to save the Dead Sea which the both border.

Our first stop was Mt. Nebo - our new guide- a Jordanian- was a stickler for keeping the group together and moving!  Mt. Nebo is where Moses died and there are beautiful mosaics in the church at the top of this beautiful mountain (LONG, hairpin curve road up to the area).  

After 20 minutes there our next stop will be a place where mosaics are handmade.  Cool place, set up by Queen Noor - anyone can go and get trained to do the handicraft and then they are offered jobs.  It was very interesting how these detailed mosaics are made.  They then let us into the showroom to shop - when you are offered cookies, you know you are heading for trouble.  They unleashed a swarm of muslim girls to help us in the store.  They were very persistent - and our guide was in no hurry to get us out of there!  Some people bought some very beautiful (and expensive) pieces, there really was no way to get out of the store without a bag in your hand.

Next stop - Lunch in Madaba - a buffet- and then a tour of a church in Madaba - again beautiful mosaics - this one famous and amazing because it is a map, that maps out all of the biblical towns with pictures.  After a quick visit there, we boarded the bus for Petra - a 3 hour drive with a bathroom stop in the middle - at a rest stop that looked amazingly like the gift shop we had been at previously.  (I did by ketchup flavored potato chips there).  

We got to Petra about 6:50 - had to eat and be ready at 7:45 for a night tour - candlelight hike into Petra. It was a beautiful hike - about 3 miles - finished at 10...so this is a late night blog - and the internet is so slow, I can't get my pictures to come up.  


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